Castle Keep: Erotic Stories @ Sex
This story is about: Cum, Fuck, Orgasm, Pee, Teen, Torture, Virgin
A soft breeze blew and rustled Francesca's long black hair, bringing with it a reminder that winter once again approached. She pulled the clothing tightly around her slender body to ward off the chilly night air. She was filled with a sense of longing as she stared below, the wilderness that surrounded the castle dimly illuminated by a bright full moon.
It looked so scary out there, yet it was exactly where she yearned to be, embarking upon a bold adventure of discovery. But her fate was to remain within the cold castle walls, safely tucked away in wait of a future she had no control of.
"I wish William were here," she whispered hopelessly into the night air, her heart heavy with sadness.
"But I am," a voice whispered from behind.
The frown on her face immediately turned into a wide smile, and excitement filled her flesh as she realized that William was near, indeed! But she dared not let him see the enthusiasm her heart felt, for it could be mistaken for something that could never be. She selected a star and made a silent wish to be a normal girl, a peasant, one who could select her own future and not have it selected for her. Had that been the case, William would be hers, and she his. But his stature was beneath hers and left her with no such hope.
"How is it you know precisely when I long to have you near?" she questioned suspiciously. "Do you possess some special power?"
"It is you that possesses that power," he responded in a whimsical tone. "It is you that draws me here in your time of need. I merely respond to your call, and am always happy to do so."
"And I am glad that you are here," she admitted in a soft whisper that the breeze carried away before it could be heard by another.
She sensed him stepping up to her from behind, and then felt his hands as they gently moved her glistening long black hair aside. His mouth lightly kissed her smooth neck, and she could not help but tremble and sigh in relief. Her flesh welcomed his touch, and she quivered with excitement. Yet at the same time she welcomed the feel of his lips, Francesca's heart was heavy with despair, realizing that these brief moments of joy were all she could expect to savor. Her life was not her own, for she was merely a pawn, an item to be bartered.
Her eyes closed as his mouth continued kissing at the base of her neck. She leaned back against him as his arms encircled her chest, hugging her tightly. She softly groaned and enjoyed the intimacy, her saddened heart now pounding with pleasure. The thoughts in her mind melted away as she lived for the moment, momentarily lifted to a wondrous place where nothing else mattered, if only for a few moments.
She was not surprised as his hands tugged at her clothing, pulling the top of it open. His warm hands crept inside like a silent intruder and cupped each of her silky breasts, lightly caressing the warm mounds of supple flesh. Francesca did not deny him that pleasure. Her nipples swelled and hardened in response, and the throbbing nubs drew the teasing touch of his thumbs.
Her strength seemed to drain away and her weakened legs trembled as his mouth kissed upon her neck and his hands fully explored her bare breasts, unimpeded by resistance. Francesca's willingness surprised even herself, for as frequently as she thought of such things, she had never anticipated their occurrence.
William seemed to enjoy himself, his movements bolder than usual. Francesca suspected that he sensed their relationship was doomed, and in his sadness desired all that she would be willing to provide. But she knew that this was her limit, that she could not give any more of herself, as badly as she wanted to.
"I know for what you yearn," he whispered.
"I cannot," she replied, resigned to her fate. “My father, the Baron, will select my mate of his choosing and I shall have no say.”
The hands on her breasts squeezed the supple mounds harder, and his fingers pinched upon the erect nipples until a sharp pain assaulted her flesh. Francesca yelped aloud and groaned, surprised by his abuse, yet could not deny the distinct excitement that his handling encouraged. Her thighs pressed together, placing wondrous pressure on her womanhood that seeped with wetness and ached with desire.
How could William have known that she would react in such a manner, when not even she knew of it? Did he know that as a child she crept into the dark, dank cellars of the castle to listen to the tortured screams of criminals, aroused by their pain? No living soul knew of such things, and she secreted them away deep inside, ashamed of her desires. How was it that William knew of such things? Was it so obvious that all could see?
"I hear your thoughts, and rest assured that only I know of your deepest desires," he whispered, her heart and mind laid bare to his vision. "Is it the stench of the cellars that attract you, or the desire to feel the sharp pain of abuse?"
"You know better than I," Francesca answered, realizing that he knew her better than she knew herself.
He did. Once again his fingers grasped the swollen nipples of her breasts, twisting and pinching on the rubbery nubs until he heard her soft whimpering from the stinging pain that assaulted her sore flesh. But this time he did not immediately stop, and continued the abuse for several moments longer, all the while feeling her body jerking and trembling against him as her soft cries of protest drifted into the dark night sky.
Her head slowly rocked from side to side, and when it moved to her left his mouth pressed upon her full, soft lips. It was powerfully erotic, and their mouths hungrily devoured one another. He kissed her like never before, lips and tongues roughly seeking out each other. They nibbled at one another as they kissed, savoring the delicious warmth of their embrace. His fingers squeezed hard upon her bare breasts, triggering another jolt of pain that tensed her eager flesh and filled her supple body with growing excitement. The wetness between her quivering thighs increased, and her desire for William was as never before.
"Come quietly," he whispered, reaching for her hand as he ended their passionate kissing. "Dawn is hours away, and I have much to show you."
Francesca trusted him with her life, and made no effort to resist. She pulled her clothing closed, covering her bare, sore breasts. She fell silent and followed in his wake, careful to make no noise as they descended the circular stairs into the bowels of the castle. Her mind raced, uncertain where they were headed, curious as to their destination.
She so wanted to feel his lips upon her mouth again, and suspected that the kiss they shared would not be the last of the night. William knew her deepest desires better than she, so Francesca followed him through the darkness with pounding heart and breathless panting, struggling to remain as quiet as he during their journey into the unknown. The sense of adventure Francesca felt was what she had always longed for, and it further aroused her.
Several guards were encountered, but they were not vigilant. She found it strangely easy to bypass their posted positions, the shadows shrouding their moving forms and protecting them from view. When at ground level they skirted the courtyard, keeping to the shadows, and entered another doorway. They descended yet again.
Francesca could smell the musty stench of the cellars as they grew closer, carefully following the stone steps into the dark depths. At the bottom heavy doors prohibited entry, but a sleeping guard provided them with opportunity. How William managed to open the doors so silently was amazing, and Francesca felt herself trembling with intense excitement the closer they drew to the punishment chamber.
Torches were spaced two dozen feet apart, barely providing adequate illumination for movement. As they passed them their shadows danced upon the walls for a moment until darkness once again swallowed them. William knew the passageways better than she, and Francesca had no idea where they were or how to get back. She had never ventured this far before, and a sense of fear developed in her belly as she was afraid of being caught. The further they walked the more likely their capture, and Francesca was filled with a growing sense of dread.
"We'll be found," she whispered, desperately voicing her fear.
William ignored Francesca, leading her past a final door and into a large, dark chamber. He left her and stepped away. Initially she did not where he was headed and gasped fearfully as the darkness enveloped her body, leaving her feeling so desperately alone. He disappeared but returned a few moments later, holding a torch to light the way. He opened a thick, heavy door and took her inside, locking the door behind them.
The torch cast eerie shadows in the chamber, illuminating an array of devices that looked so cold and frightening. Francesca could only imagine what happened within these thick, moist walls, and she tried to determine the function of the tools that surrounded her. It was from this room that she recalled hearing torturous screams, and it both scared and excited her.
For so many years she wanted to be here, to see the mysteries this room contained, and finally it was so. But she still feared discovery, and her ears listened for the slightest noise that could betray the arrival of a suspicious guard.
Everything was made of heavy timber and iron braces. Shackles with daunting chains dangled from them menacingly, easily capturing and retaining the flesh of prisoners with unyielding strength. She reached a hand out and lightly touched the rough wood, feeling as splinters bit into her skin.
Francesca nervously placed a wrist within an unlocked shackle, feeling the cold iron upon her flesh. She swallowed hard as she imagined being bound within, completely helpless, as guards pleased themselves with her screams of pain. A cold chill jolted through her body and she shivered involuntarily as the image frightened her.
William suddenly appeared behind her, closing the shackle shut and securing it with an iron pin. Francesca gasped aloud, her mind racing as she was caught off guard. He roughly grabbed her other wrist and placed it into the opposing shackle, again closing and locking it. He spun a wheel and the slack in the chain was slowly taken out, forcing her arms to extend upwards and outwards at the same time.
He continued moving the wheel until her arms were fully extended, leaving her standing helplessly beside the heavy wooden frame. William then pushed her against the frame and closed a shackle around each ankle, securing her in place. A chain was placed around her waist and tightened, holding her upon the splintered wooden timber facing it. Even through her clothing the sharp daggers penetrated and stuck into her like dozens of pins.
"I'm frightened," she whispered cautiously, now fearful of her precious William, suspicious of his motives. "Please, William, show me out of this wicked chamber."
"Show you out?" he questioned with an evil laugh. "My sweet Francesca, this is what you desire, what you have always dreamed of. You have always fantasized of feeling the fear and pain within these cold, dank walls, as that of a poor peasant."
"How do you know of such things?" she asked fearfully, tugging at her bindings in a vain attempt at escape.
She sensed the change in William, transformed from the sweet man he was into a wicked beast. Was it the room that triggered such a thing, or was it merely a facade that had just now been ripped apart? Was this his true form now showing?
He stepped away, taking the torch with him, leaving her to the mercy of the darkness. She heard noises from behind but was unable to watch. There was the unmistakable sound of iron against stone as he sifted through an assortment of tools, selecting one that appealed to him. She heard him approaching, and as he closed in her heart pounded. Francesca nervously bit on her lower lip, silently admonishing herself for having trusted William so completely. She could taste the fear she felt, and her body tensed as it filled with impending doom.
"I'm very fond of leather," he remarked in a whimsical tone.
Francesca could move little, so he held the leather strap up so she could see her approaching fate. Her eyes locked onto the thick strap and tears formed in her eyes. She had never before felt such powerful fear and dread as she was helplessly locked into position on the wicked frame, completely at his mercy.
Yet at the same time as she quivered in fright it was mixed with an equally intense, erotic excitement, something that she could neither understand nor deny. She felt it rising within her flesh, generating bizarre tingling warmth that rippled through her soft, supple body. The change was evident in her beautiful green eyes and it relaxed her tensed muscles slightly.
William grabbed a handful of silky, soft hair and roughly jerked her head to one side. He held the strap up and pushed it against her lips. Francesca's mouth opened and he pushed it between her teeth, which then grasped and held the strap. His hands pulled at her clothing, ripping it when necessary to remove it from her flesh. Within a few moments she was naked, the clothing piled at her feet, and a cold chill invaded her body.
He held the torch close and admired her nude form, noting her slender frame and succulent skin. His eyes beheld the beautiful breasts that he had earlier fondled, noting the swollen pink nipples that throbbed invitingly even now as she stood before him trembling in fear. When his gaze dropped down to the virtuous treasure nestled between her thighs she tried to close her legs, but the shackles kept her thighs parted enough so that he could clearly see all she had to offer a man. The soft curls of dark hair fringed her lovely pink flesh, and he could clearly see the thick wetness that continued to seep from her belly.
"No, you must not," Francesca admonished him, knowing how he desired her. "Lay not your eyes upon my precious virtue, for it must be untouched when my father gives me to a man of means."
"Perhaps the sting of leather will change your heart," he shot back, displeased by her words of protest. "You give me reason now to administer punishment, and I shall do so without regret. Pray that I show you mercy."
He placed the torch in a nearby holder, the stone above it blackened with years of fire and smoke. Her bare body looked magnificent as she was outstretched before him so helplessly, the light of the torch dancing over her skin. Her smooth skin seemed to shimmer in the soft light, beckoning to him, drawing him near.
William positioned himself carefully with her rounded buttocks as his intended target, then lifted and swung the thick leather strap. It struck home forcefully, creating a loud slapping sound that reverberated throughout the chamber. Francesca cried aloud as a jolt of stinging pain shot through her flesh, surprising her with its burning intensity. The tears that had accumulated in her adorable green eyes spilled over her cheeks as she prepared for another strike of leather.
He paused a moment before striking her a second time, using just as much force. Again a loud slap sounded, but this time Francesca did not cry aloud. She was determined to face her punisher bravely, and somehow withstood the stinging pain without a whimper. Her buttocks burned, and angry red stripes marked where the leather had bit into her flesh.
It bit her again, accompanied by the slapping sound. The stinging, burning pain filled her body, and tears dripped down her rosy cheeks and dropped to the floor near her feet. Francesca felt so alone and helpless, repeatedly tugging at the shackles that refused to release her. Then the leather struck again, a surge of pain jolting throughout her body another time.
She angrily fought back her tears and they slowly stopped. Francesca refused to give in and instead stood bravely in place, making a defiant stand as best she could. After a pause there was another strike, and as she maintained a precarious hold on her emotions, she wondered how much longer it would last.
Francesca grimaced as she stood in place, waiting for the next blow. Her sore, aching body was tensed and ready, her beautiful face hardened with defiance and distorted with pain. She waited for several more moments, anticipating the strap hitting her buttocks, but it never came. Her punishment had ended as abruptly as it had begun, and she was filled with a sense of relief.
There was a noise from behind. She tried to turn her head but was unable to move it enough to investigate. A moment later she sensed William returning, and he placed a bucket of water and a washing cloth at her side.
"I can be kind, as well," he offered in explanation.
He stood behind her and wet the cloth. He gently rubbed her extended arms as water dripped from the skin. Francesca still felt desperately helpless, but found the cloth and warm water very comforting. Her ass still burned from the strap but the sharp jolts of stinging pain was no longer. Intense excitement mingled with the discomfort, even more so with the intimate touching. When William began washing her neck and shoulders she softly groaned, no longer intent on hiding her true feelings.
William dipped the cloth and reached around, tenderly washing her breasts. Francesca groaned louder and her back arched as much as her bindings allowed, aroused by the feel of the cloth upon her supple peaks and hardened nipples. He washed and teased each breast in turn, then lowered his hands and washed her smooth belly.
"No William, please," she pleaded as he returned the cloth to the bucket and prepared to wash her groin.
"Is it the strap you seek?" he replied, the threat very clear. “You are in no position to deny me anything that I desire.”
Francesca paused for thought. In her position there was no stopping him, for he had free reign over her flesh. The thought of the strap frightened her, for the pain was quite severe, and although she found it strangely erotic, she was eager to avoid another punishment. If she angered him further there was no telling when it would end, and it would likely be more severe.
His hands tentatively reached around, testing her reaction. She remained quiet, fearful of reprisal. He washed each leg in turn, lightly caressing her smooth inner thighs. The touching drew groans of excitement, and her legs quivered weakly. As the fingers of one hand pushed her pink lips apart, revealing her wet virtue for the first time, Francesca felt on the verge of fainting. She was overcome by waves of dizziness and wondrous pleasure. When the cloth tenderly rubbed upon the tender folds of flesh she cried aloud and twitched in spasms of delight. The sensations were incredible, ripping the air from her lungs and leaving her breathless.
The burning of her buttocks was matched by the fire in her loins. Creamy wetness oozed from her belly invitingly, her flesh eager to be savored. William continued rubbing the cloth on her virtue, then replaced it with his fingers. He teased her skillfully, drawing her to ecstasy. It took only a few minutes of gentle rubbing and probing for her pleasure to peak.
It was an incredible sensation when Francesca climaxed for her first time, body writhing and jerking in uncontrollable spasms that stole her strength and replaced it with tingling jolts of sheer ecstasy. Her voice filled the chamber with moans and groans as she savored sexual release. Tears of wonder filled her eyes and spilled down her cheeks in pleasure's wake.
Francesca turned and looked at him, speechless. No words existed that could begin to describe the delight he had brought upon her. It was as if he knew exactly what she wanted, despite her own protests. Yet in the dim light of the nearby torch, air heavy with wretched stench, he looked nothing like the William she knew. He was different in this chamber of pain, as was she. All was now revealed, and nothing remained hidden.
She felt as the chain clutching her waist was released and fell away, followed by the shackles holding her ankles. He turned her away from the heavy wooden frame, facing him, only her arms bound by the cold iron shackles and held extended by the attached chains. He gazed at her beauty for a moment, enjoying the look of her precious flesh in the dancing yellow light of the torch. He admired those creamy breasts and fully hardened nipples, her skin so soft and shimmering.
He reached forward and unlocked a wheel. The chains gave way and Francesca was caught off guard. Her legs gave out and she immediately sank to the ground on her knees as the wheel loudly ratcheted in protest, filling the chamber with echoing noise. He stopped the wheel so that the chains still held her arms outstretched as she kneeled on the cold stone floor.
She glanced at the door, knowing that the guards had to have heard the commotion, and was strangely relieved when no one barged in to rescue her from her disgraceful plight.
"The guards are careless," he spoke aloud as he saw her glancing at the doorway. "Too many years of peace have dulled their senses. You weren't really hoping to be rescued, were you?"
"The thought did occur," she whispered honestly, although in hindsight wasn't sure that would have been for the best, either. "Please take me back before we are found. It would destroy my father's trust in me. Please, William."
His response was swift. Francesca was shocked when William wrapped the leather strap around her head, pinning it in place. He held her with one hand as his other pulled away the clothing that covered his crotch, revealing his swollen, pulsating sword of aroused flesh. When he pulled her head forward his smooth rounded tip pushed between her soft lips and inside her wonderfully warm, wet mouth.
Francesca winced as she felt his throbbing flesh filling her mouth. Kneeling on the stone floor of the punishment chamber, surrounded by the ingenious and frightening tools used to break the strongest of men, she knew what he wanted. The threat was implied, and Francesca had no desire for more of the stinging pain. She'd had her fill, and he'd earned her reluctant cooperation for the moment.
Although the act was new to her, every woman had an instinct for how to please a man. Her lips wrapped tightly around his shaft as her mouth sucked on his flesh, darting tongue tip flicking at the smooth rounded tip and tiny orifice. Her arms still outstretched and shackled, Francesca devoured him with her unskilled mouth. William softly groaned as his hips thrust back and forth, slowly pushing himself deeper inside. His helpless victim pleased him enthusiastically, sucking and licking with as much energy as she could muster, surprising even her captor.
Francesca felt a mixture of shame, guilt, and incredible excitement. Her heart raced wildly in her chest as she kneeled, naked, before William as if a common whore. It was the last position in which she would have expected to be found. Yet the shame only added to the tingling warmth that rippled through her creamy flesh, a fire raging deep within her loins.
The feel of the cold iron shackles around her wrists was strangely arousing, as was the burning pain that still lingered from her punishment. The leather strap securely bound her head, and with it William directed her actions with silent guidance. The only sounds were the slurping of her sucking mouth and his occasional groans of contentment.
She felt his steel-hard manhood swelling larger still as he neared climax. Francesca sensed the end was near and she sucked and licked on him with renewed vigor. He filled her hot mouth with his pulsating hardness, the smooth, swollen tip of him at the back of her throat.
Thick seed oozed from within, filling her mouth with a decidedly unpleasant taste and smell. She fought back an urge to gag and took him in as far as she could, her luscious lips tightly enclosing around his shaft as her tongue teased the tip of him without mercy. He twitched and grunted aloud in delight, pleased by her virginal efforts.
Francesca was startled a few moments later when his hardened sword filled her mouth with a sudden surge of thick, hot, milky seed. She tried to push him from her mouth with her tongue but he plunged to the back of her throat, spitting even more milky cum into her mouth. She had no choice but to swallow what he injected, wincing in disgust as she did so. Some dripped from the corners of her mouth as he savored the last moment of orgasm, then slowly withdrew, but not before much of it was in her belly.
"A noble effort," he remarked as he stepped away.
The dancing flames cast an eerie glow upon her creamy body, and William could see the glistening seed that covered the sides of her mouth and chin. She tugged at her shackles in a futile effort, looking up at the iron locks that secured her wrists in frustration. William watched for several moments, a smile upon his lips as he observed her efforts. He then stepped forward and pulled the pins simultaneously. When the shackles opened, her stiff, sore arms dropped away.
Before she had a chance to enjoy her newfound freedom, William filled his hand with a large clump of her long, silky black hair and roughly lifted Francesca to her feet. He propelled her forward, past several other punishment devices, until he'd found the one he sought.
Francesca helplessly followed his lead, blindly stepping forward in the direction he pulled. The tears in her eyes blurred her vision, so she had no idea of her new destination. When they reached what appeared to be a table he pushed her on top, then roughly grasped her wrists and shackled them into place yet again.
"Please, no more," she pleaded in a weak, frightened voice. "Dawn approaches, and I mustn't be found here."
"Dawn is hours away, and we are far from finished," William replied, and then sharply slapped Francesca’s beautiful tear-streaked face to silence her drivel.
Her ankles and knees were shackled down to the table as well, leaving her naked body helpless once again. She found that when she leaned back an angled narrow wooden board was available for support. She had no idea the fate that awaited her, and not knowing filled her with both a terrible sense of fear and excitement. He seemed to delay intentionally, allowing her imagination to run free and increase the intensity of her emotions.
"I tire of the pain," she whispered in a frightened, trembling voice.
"You've endured very little," he announced aloud, seemingly unafraid of attracting attention. "Is this not one of your strongest fantasies, to discover the mystery of events that have unfolded down here within earshot?"
Francesca did not respond, for to do so truthfully would verify his suspicions and to lie would undoubtedly trigger his spiteful wrath. He waited for her to answer despite the silence, and continued to wait.
"You seem to know all I think and feel," Francesca finally confessed. "Yes, I have fantasized of sneaking down here to see all that happens and know the reasons for the screams. Mostly they were from men, but women's could be heard as well."
"Yes, there were some," he confirmed. "And all suffered this fate."
His hand grasped and pulled a handle. With it the table upon which she was fastened separated in half, forcing her legs fully apart and revealing the most intimate details of her womanhood. She gasped and looked shamelessly down upon herself, viewing the curls of dark hair nestled between quivering thighs. She was illuminated by the yellow flickering flame of a torch, and now understood the pain, fear, and final shame the prisoners had suffered. For a woman it was the ultimate sacrifice, and Francesca was overwhelmed by the realization her time had come as well.
There was a brief delay, and when he returned to view all Francesca saw was his hardened manhood between her forcibly parted thighs. She wanted to beg him not to, that she must be promised and saved for another, but knew that any pleading would fall upon deaf ears. The dungeon knew no mercy, and even when silent echoed the cries of all those who had suffered. Instead her eyes were riveted to his swollen sword, watching as he closed in. She felt his hands upon her thighs, and then the rounded tip of his penis as it pressed against the moist folds of her virtue.
"No!" she instinctively cried out aloud, her voice echoing in the dark chamber.
His penis pressed upon her opening. There it remained, the bulbous head pulsating at the unopened doorway to the innocence. Tears of shame welled up in her eyes. Francesca felt so helpless as she could not deny him her virtue. Even now, in this shameful position, her body was filled with intense warmth and tingling. She silently condemned herself as her untouched virtue oozed with wetness.
"This is what those screams were," he whispered in a devilish voice. "I have feasted for years on the shame and humiliation of the women I've enjoyed in this chamber; dozens and dozens, and now you."
"Feasted for years..." Francesca repeated as she struggled to comprehend the true nature of her predicament. "But how is that possible?"
"How is it that I always appear when most needed, and always know what your heart harbors? How is it that I can move about this castle from top to bottom undetected?" the man she knew as William asked. "When you awake tomorrow you will remember little of this and will wonder if it truly happened at all. That is my nature. Answer your own question, Francesca. How is it possible?"
Francesca was filled with a fear so great that it pressed upon her chest and made breathing difficult. Every muscle in her body tensed as the horrible reality sunk into a mind that struggled not to hear the only possible answer. Her body resisted against the heavy iron shackles that would not budge.
"Your heart knows," the demon spoke in a voice that chilled her body to the core as its true identity was finally revealed. "You are to be the mother of my eleventh child."
Francesca shook her head in disbelief, willing her vulnerable flesh to resist him. The tears she would not show now freely flowed, and the hot drops streamed down both sides of her chilled face. She defied him with all the strength she possessed, and he observed her valiant efforts with an evil grin on his unworldly face.
"I have chosen well," the demon commented. "You will protect my child as none other during its most vulnerable years. And when he is of age I will take him from you and teach him all that I know."
Francesca was fatigued from her futile efforts and could find no last reserves of strength to tap. Her green eyes closed as the large round tip of his penis that throbbed at the doorway of her canal now thrust forward into her helpless body. She cried aloud as she'd heard so many others do in the past, the fear and agony evident as it echoed in the darkened chamber of horror.
The demon withdrew fully out of her, pushed the tender folds of flesh apart to reveal the tight opening, and fed his head and shaft back inside. He thrust forward, penetrating deeper into her virtue. This time he penetrated deeply enough to pierce her maidenhead, as evidenced by her blood-curdling screams of sheer terror.
He screamed out as well, mocking her desperate voice, knowing such noise would elicit no response. Only one other bore witness to the devilish event, and that was Francesca's younger sibling. High above them Juliette huddled in the darkness as Francesca once did, curious about the chamber beneath. One day soon Juliette would soon discover the truth as well, for thirteen children he would bear before returning to Satan's side.
His large pink appendage retreated and drove forward again. All the fight in her was gone, and Francesca lay upon the splintered wooden timbers in misery and defeat. Stinging pain from the dozens of pin-like jabs under her legs, ass, and torso was endured with every powerful movement of the demon between her trembling thighs.
"The first-born of every Baroness that ever dwelled in this place has been male, and its true father a demon such as me. Have you ever wondered what became of your older brother?"
His revelations were intended to taunt and frighten, not educate. And their purpose was achieved, for Francesca recalled a brother she once knew but lost at an early age. The recollections filled her with such dread and sorrow that she herself wanted to die. The secrets of the castle she longed to discover since an early age were a heavier burden than she was prepared to carry.
Despite all the fear and horror and her determination to resist him to the end, Francesca gave in to the rippling warmth and shuddering excitement. The last mental and physical barriers crumbled and her flesh succumbed to the pleasure that could no longer be denied.
She shamelessly writhed and twitched upon the timbers and groaned in miserable ecstasy. Waves of delight broke on her quivering flesh as thick nectar seeped from her soiled innocence, laced with the blood of her forced sacrifice. Pain and pleasure became one, inseparable, and the combination drove her to unimagined heights.
Yet underlying it all was a cracked and weakened emotional foundation that would one day be tested in a way Francesca could not possibly comprehend.
As the demon thrust his full length into her tight canal, he howled as a jackal into the surrounding darkness. The intensity supplanted her screams. The hands on her thighs became paws, and now it was an animal that rapidly fucked her body. She was too frightened to look.
Claws scratched her skin as he jostled for position. Loud panting and her own soft groans were all that she heard, in addition to the sickening squishing of wet flesh on flesh. Her own body betrayed her as climax loomed. All efforts to deny herself release were unheeded as her body sought the powerful pleasure it promised. As disgusted as she was the excitement in her body rapidly mounted. Her rising crescendo of moaning announced its buildup and arrival. Her exhausted body rigidly tensed for several seconds, and then erupted into wild, uncontrollable spasms of wondrous delight. Her fingers tightened into angry fists as her eager flesh embraced the sexual release and savored the tingling peals of ecstasy.
A surge of wetness moistened her further. The deep, rapid thrusts continued unabated. Now she could feel fur rubbing against her inner thighs, and that drove home the realization that William was not a ‘he’ but an ‘it’. And now it ravaged her body and tore away the last vestiges of her innocence.
Animal grunting echoed in the chamber and she screamed aloud in fear, hoping someone would save her from this monster that was so deeply imbedded in her flesh. The claws roughly dug into her soft inner thighs as its brisk pumping went faster still. The fur that moved against her legs was rough and unlike any she’d ever felt before. It lacked any softness, as did its cold, cruel heart.
Her writhing body was filled with such a confusing ensemble of thoughts and emotions. She was so overwhelmed that her mind shut down completely. All she was aware of was the insistent grunting and passing of the smooth penis in and out of her spoiled flesh. The pain and pleasure was intense, and when she could bear no more of it darkness moved in and saved her from the misery she could no longer endure.
* * * * *
When Francesca awoke, she was sore and confused. Tiny fragments of the previous evening were her only recollections, and those were so frightful that her mind refused to recall them. She was surprised to find herself naked, her torn clothing at the side of the bed. She was mystified by the clues that offered to answer.
When she moved and felt soreness she inspected herself as best she could. There was angry red skin on the back of her body that could not be explained. She felt wetness between her thighs, and when she looked there was more than her own nectar. Traces of blood had dried on her skin, and the horror fully set in. The remnants of seed remained as well, and Francesca knew that the fragments were from no dream but a nightmare of reality.
What she could not know was that life already stirred in her womb. But she would discover this soon.
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