This story is about:
The farmers son was left alone for a whole week and didn't know what to do with it. He sat on the porch on his first evening alone and chewed straw. He looked down at his dusty jeans and unbuttoned another button on his shirt. It was a hot summer and humidity was high. He thought about watching tv but decided to sit and relax for a while longer. He reached down and opened a beer. He didn't drink beer often and his father certainly wouldn't let him - he being eighteen and all. He sipped the beer and reflected back on his hard days work. He thought about going to find his friends and go cruisin' but didn't feel in the mood for loud music and driving around through the night. Nope, he wanted to do something different with his week to himself. He cursed himself for agreeing to stay on another few months before leaving. It was boring here and he was about a mile from his neighbors house. He relegated himself to watching as the sun set, cars pass every ten minutes or so on the sparsly traveled road.
Just as he readied to go inside, a car came up the highway, clearly struggling to keep moving. He stood in his doorway and watched as it struggled off of the toad and to the front of the property. He walked over to it and as he approached it, a man got out. He introduced himself,
"Hello, my name's David Price, I am from out of town and my car won't work - could I use your phone?" he asked politely. He had mid length, dark brown hair and brown eyes. "Why sure, come right this way," he responded. "By the way, ma name's Randy."
Once at the house, David asked Randy if he knew the number of any auto repair shop nearby. Randy told him of the only one in town. David called and recieved no answer, the phone just kept ringing.
"They're probably closed for the night" said Randy "your welcome to spend the night here though." "Why thank you! That'd be great"
Randy offered David a beer, David took it, happily. Randy asked where he was from and what brought him out to Missouri.
"Well, I'm from San Francisco and I am on my way back from a trip to Richmond, I was helping my friend move there so I'm driving back on my own." As they talked longer, Randy found out that David was twenty-four and was one of two managers for a night club in San Francisco. David asked Randy about himself and Randy gave an overview of his life. He said that he had graduated high school about a month ago and that he was probably going to college but was taking a year off first. He explained that he helped his dad on the farm, he was on the football team, his older brother had moved to New York, and that his mom had died years ago. David asked if Randy had a girlfriend. Randy explained that he had had a girlfriend but they broke up a few months ago.
Later that night, they watched some tv and were getting along very well. David asked if he ever got lonely out on a farm. Randy told him that he did sometimes although generally, it was something you could get used to.
Randy wasn't sure why, but he felt very attracted to David. He had had these types of feeling when in the locker room after football practice with the other guys but of course would never act on these impulses. His penis hardened and he tried to distract himself by talking to David more. At one point, David got up to go to the bathroom and as he got up, Randy felt a near uncontrollable urge to grab David's butt. He had never felt such a strong urge as this. He may have had sexual fantasies about football team membersbeing naked and all but Randy had never so desperatly wanted not to be sucked off, but to be the one sucking and he really wanted to be fucked. He had it really bad but he tried to hide it.
As they talked, David stretched out his arms, flexing strong bicepts which made Randy even more horny. He felt compelled to grab ahold of David's crotch. Randy's head spun, what the hell was happening? He was an ordinary guy with the odd fantasy of guys he knew but now he wanted only men and especially this one.
"So, does it ever get lonely being way out here?" He asked. Randy explained that it was but that it was something you adapted to over time.
Later on that evening, just when Randy thought that his cock was finally under control, David had finished his coke and was eating the ice cubes - it still being quite hot. David accidentally dropped one onto the sofa and David's hand shot out to get it. It slid right to Randy's crotch. The sensation of David's hand touching his penis, for however short of a period, was dazzeling. Randy was hard as a rock of course.
Somehow, they got to talking about working out which did more to harden Randy. David asked how many push ups Randy could do. Randy told him that he hadn't tried in a while and David told him to give it a shot. Randy got onto the floor and started to do pushups and then David stopped him. "No, no you're doing it wrong, your hips are too high, here get into position, I'll show you" Randy got into position, and David grabbed onto Randy's hips and moved them further down and into correct stance which Randy enjoyed very much. Later on, David helped Randy with sit ups. To check and make sure that Randy's sit ups were working the right part of his abs, David held his hand against Randy's stomach while he did sit ups. Randy thought he would faint as he did this.
After this, they both collapsed onto the couch and flicked through the channels. As they did this, Randy noticed how close they were sitting and smiled. At this time, David dropped the remote and Randy leaned over to get it. As he leaned over, David's hand lightly grazed it. Randy pretended not to notice. When he sat back down, he was startled to find himself in the lap of David who had scooted over. Sitting upon his lap, Randy could feel a hard cock under him. Before he could do anything, David's hand found its way into Randy's shorts and felt at his hard penis. Randy moaned and leaned back, sliding out of his lap. As soon as he stopped, Randy turned around and grabbed ahold of David's crotch and pulled the shorts and underwear out of the way. In a moment, Randy was handling David's meat like a pro. Randy toom in as much as he could, David's rod seemed to be nine or ten inches long and was thick. It resembled a big, beautiful sausage that needed to be taked care of.
Randy couldn't get enough of David's cock and loved sucking it. It tasted so good and it felt great being in his mouth. He labored over it, caressing Davids's marbles as he strugged to deepthroat the giant. David could feel himself coming close to climax and stopped Randy, having to almost forcefully pull his head out of his lap. David had his fun with Randy who moaned and yelled a little as his dick was sucked. After a few minutes, Randy's back arched and he began to climax. Cum began shooting out and Randy positively screamed. Randy was yelling in excrutiating pleasure for a full minute before settling back and panting and moaning for a while. It wasn't too long after this that Randy asked for more. David was impressed by Randy who didn't seem able to get enough.
David grabbed Randy by the shoulders and put him onto the ground. He scooped some cum off of Randy's abs and rubbed it as lubricant onto Randy's ass and his own penis. He readied Randy and then began to push inward. Randy was in such immense pleasure that he could hardly stand it. One would expect that it would hust like hell but Randy just loved it - he wanted it to push further into him. As soon as David was all the way into him, Randy moaned in ecstacy as David's balls pressed against his butt. Randy screamed for him to go harder and faster. David did as he was told and gave the farmers boy what he wanted, absolutly thrashing his ass until David thought he might injur the boy but Randy kept asking for more and more. David pounded relentlessly into Randy who was in love with the feeling of a large penis thrusting in and out of him.
Randy started to feel himself cum and tensed up as he shot load after load out of him as he was still being given it from behind. He screamed as this happened. The combined effect of Randy's tensing up and the erotic effect of the screams of pleasures gave David a powerful, much delayed orgasm. They simultaneously orgasmed for five whole minutes, David unloading into Randy so uch that cum began to positively squirt out of Randy's ass. David pulled out and Randy rolled over onto the ground, still ejaculating. David came even more and the sight of Randy in that state and shot loads onto his face and chest and crotch. Finally, both covered in cum and writhing in pleasure, they collapsed onto the ground and pulled eachother close, Randy feeling up David's strong chest and big bicepts, now glaze with semen. As they lay there, feeling each other, with David's fingers pushed into Randy's raw ass, Randy wondered how he could stay on this farm for another few months, if this was what he was missing out on.
They went to sleep like that, the next morning, they woke up and silently showered seperatly and dressed. Randy offered to tow David's car to the auto repair shop in town although he had trouble sitting in the car. After a goodbye blowjob, David bid farewell to Randy with a slap on the sore butt and was back on his way to California.
Randy left the farm three weeks later and moved out in search of a bigger city with even bigger adventures . . .
The End.
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